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View our selection of stationery products, perfect for home, office, or personal use.
By using one of our one of a kind design templates, you can create breathtaking invitations, save the dates, rsvps, and more! Let’s make your big day unforgettable!
View our selection of invitations and find the right one to turn your event into something worth mentioning.
Total Choice makes designing, printing and delivering wedding stationery an easy process.
We start with an in-person or virtual consultation to ensure your needs and direction are understood. From there, you can be as involved as you want to be. We will gladly meet again to share physical proofs or deliver them to you. Once completed and approved, we can even print addresses on each envelope from your contact list, stuff the envelopes and mail them out for you!
From save the dates to a whole suite of invitation options and envelopes, Total Choice has you covered.
Tell us more about your project and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible!
See some of our customer’s most prized orders
Looking to start a new project but don’t know where to get started? Are you having issues with your order? Our customer care team is available weekdays from 8-5PM CST.